

EagleQ, powered by QLess, is a "virtual" line where students can reserve a spot via the Internet. mobile app, or SMS without physically lining up.


What is EagleQ

EagleQ, powered by QLess, is a "virtual" line where TSC students can reserve a spot via the Internet or text without physically lining up. TSC currently offers virtual lines for the TSC Learning Commons and the TSC Advising Center, with more locations coming soon. Once you enter your information, depending on your place in line, you may receive:

  • An estimated time to be seen
  • An opportunity to ask for more time if this estimation does not work with your schedule
  • Updates when you are nearing your turn in a line

How to enter a virtual line from the web

  1. From the EagleQ page on the TSC website (http://www.tsc.fl.edu/EagleQ), choose the queue location you wish to join.
  2. Enter your First Name, Last Name, and Cell Phone Number.
  3. Select the virtual line you wish to join.
  4. Once you select your line, you may see a list of additional service choices. Check the option that best fits the reason for your visit.
  5. Once you have entered a line you will receive a text with your estimated wait time.

**For additional Information on Navigating the EagleQ Kiosk, Click Here.

How to enter a virtual line via SMS

To join the virtual line via SMS, send one of the following commands to 850-888-8962:

  • For the Learning Commons, text "TSC LC"
  • For the TSC Advising Center, text "TSC Advising"

You will then receive a confirmation and options for the specific line you would like to join.

Text Commands to use when in EagleQ:
L - Leave the queue, use this command when you need to exit a particular queue. 
S - Status update, use this command when you want an update of your wait time and place in line. 
- More time, use this command to request additional time if you can't be in the area. 
H - Help, use this command to get additional assistance with EagleQ. 
N# - Notify me in XX minutes, use this command to let EagleQ know when to send an alert.

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Article ID: 68143
Tue 12/4/18 7:52 AM
Sat 6/29/24 6:29 AM