I was selected for Verification. What do I need to provide?


In order to determine which documents you will need to provide for verification, log into your Workday Student account and check your My Tasks.  If you have been selected for verification, a notice will be sent to your Workday account.


Students selected for verification must submit all documents requested by the Financial Aid Office before eligibility can be determined. Please send all documents as quickly as possible as failure will result in delays. In most cases, it is the Federal Government who selects the student for verification; however, there are instances when information seems inconsistent that the Financial Aid Office will select students for verification.

Other Documents

Some students who fail to meet the matches with other Federal agencies may be required to submit documentation to verify the information they have put on their FAFSA. Some agencies that might return a failed match are the Social Security Administration, Immigration and Naturalization, and Selective Service. The Financial Aid Office will notify you via your TSC email account if any problems are identified in these areas and inform you of the action you need to take. 

Submitting Documents

Please submit all documents requested as quickly as possible, via document attachment upload, U.S. mail, fax to (850) 201-8414, or in person to the Financial Aid Office. Please do not email any documents. Ensure your TSC Student ID number is included on each page when mailing or faxing documents.

For more information:  https://www.tsc.fl.edu/admissions/financial-aid/students/



Article ID: 21222
Wed 12/7/16 3:08 PM
Sat 6/29/24 6:06 AM