I have failed my Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for Financial Aid. How will this affect me?


To maintain your financial aid eligibility, all students, including students transferring to TSC from another institution, must meet TSC’s Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid (SAP). It is your responsibility to understand and monitor satisfactory progress. The three standards include all previous academic history, even if you did not receive financial aid.

Students can appeal their failure to meet the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid if unusual and mitigating circumstances exist. Unusual and mitigating circumstances include, but are not limited to: a death in the student's immediate family, medical condition, hospitalization, documented emotional distress, or other situations beyond the student's control. 

All situations must be fully documented, including supporting letters from counselors, doctors, ministers, and other appropriate third parties.

Students must appeal their failure to meet satisfactory progress within 15 days of the grading period or notification. The Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Appeal form is located in your Workday account in your Student Finance Hub under the TSC College Forms app > Financial Aid section. 

You will complete the form online and upload the required supporting documentation before submitting the form electronically.  If you start the form and do not complete it, you will need to go to your TSC student email account and get the link to the form you started.  You cannot retrieve the form you started by going back to the TSC College Forms app.


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Article ID: 21187
Wed 12/7/16 2:53 PM
Sat 6/29/24 6:04 AM