Is there a difference between Financial Aid Suspension and Academic Suspension?


Yes, there is a difference between Financial Aid Suspension and Academic Suspension at TSC. 

TSC is dedicated to providing students with a high quality education in an supportive environment. The purpose of the Academic Recovery is to communicate the College's minimum expectations of academic progress.

Academic Recovery, TSC's Standards of Academic Progress are as follows:

  • Students with 1-14 credit hours: 1.75 GPA or higher
  • Students with15 + credit hours:  2.0 GPA or higher

*Students receiving financial aid must also maintain a 67% completion rate of all courses attempted.  The Office of Financial Aid has a separate appeal process for students who fall below the Standards of Academic Progress and completion requirements.

Failure to meet these standards will result in one of the following academic infractions:

Academic Alert
Your first semester below good standing (overall GPA of less than a 2.0) will result in Academic Alert:

  • You will be limited to taking no more than 13 credit hours.  
  • You will be required to complete the Academic Recovery Canvas course available in Workday.
  • You will be required to complete an online DocuSign form, "Academic Intervention Plan."  This form will be emailed to you after grades and academic status are posted. 
  • You are strongly encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor in the Advising Center.
  • You are strongly encouraged to utilize the TSC Learning Commons for course assistance.
  • "Academic Alert" will be posted to your permanent transcript.  

Academic Notice
Your second consecutive semester below good standing (overall GPA of less than a 2.0) will result in Academic Notice:

  • You will be limited to taking no more than 9 credit hours until your cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0.
  • You will be required to complete an online DocuSign form ASAP-Academic Success Action Plan. This form will be emailed to you after grades and academic status are posted. 
  • You are strongly encouraged to meet with an Academic Advisor in the Advising Center.
  • You are strongly encouraged to utilize the TSC Learning Commons for course assistance.
  • “Academic Notice” will be posted to your permanent transcript.

Academic Suspension
Your third consecutive semester below a 2.0 GPA will result in Academic Suspension:

  • Enrollment into TSC will be suspended for one full semester (e.g., Fall, Spring, or Summer).
  • You must complete and submit the Online Academic Suspension-Dismissal Appeal Packet before the term for which you want to return to TSC. 
  • You are required to meet with an assigned Academic Advisor upon returning to TSC.
  • You will be limited to no more than 9 credit hours upon return until GPA raised to 2.0.
  • You are strongly encouraged to utilize the TSC Learning Commons for course assistance.
  • “Academic Suspension” will be posted to your permanent transcript

Academic Dismissal
Your fourth consecutive semester below a 2.0 GPA will result in Academic Dismissal:

  • Enrollment into TSC will be suspended for a minimum of one calendar year (12 months)
  • You must complete and submit the Online Academic Suspension-Dismissal Appeal Packet before the term for which you want to return to TSC (see below)
  • You are required to meet with an assigned Academic Advisor upon returning to TSC
  • You will be limited to no more than 8 credit hours upon return until GPA raised to 2.0
  • You are strongly encouraged to utilize the TSC Learning Commons for course assistance
  • “Dismissal” will be posted to your permanent transcript

Use the listed information below for a Financial Aid Suspension:

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

Below are the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress:

  • 1-14 attempted credit hours:  must maintain a 1.75 GPA or better.
  • 15 + attempted credit hours:  must maintain a 2.0 GPA or better.
  • Students must complete 67% of classes attempted. Attempted hours include all college developmental courses, withdrawals, incomplete courses, unsatisfactory (failures) grades, and transfer credit hours.
  • Students must complete their degree program before attempting more than 150 percent of the total credit hours required for the degree program.

To be eligible for financial aid, all students, including students transferring to TSC from another institution, must meet TSC's standards of satisfactory progress for financial aid. Standards of satisfactory progress are reviewed at the end of every semester and before the first semester of attendance for students transferring into TSC. Transferring students' satisfactory progress will be determined from the academic history of all previously attended institutions.

Students who attended TSC in the past will be reviewed based on all previously attempted courses, regardless of how long ago they attended TSC. Failure to meet one or more of the established standards of satisfactory progress for two successive semesters will make a student ineligible for financial aid. Students who have their financial aid revoked due to the failure to meet the standards of satisfactory progress for financial aid will remain ineligible for financial aid until such time as their academic history is such that they meet the established standards.

Satisfactory progress includes all previous academic history, even if the student did not receive financial aid. It is the responsibility of the students to monitor their satisfactory progress. Although the Financial Aid Office attempts to send students who fail to meet the satisfactory progress standards an email notification informing them of their status, students who do not receive notification will still be ineligible for financial aid.  Decisions of the Financial Aid Appeal Committee will be final.

Students have fifteen days from the receipt of notification of their failure to meet the standards of satisfactory academic progress to appeal. 

Academic Recovery - Standards of Academic Progress for Admissions
Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Aid

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Article ID: 21173
Wed 12/7/16 2:50 PM
Sat 6/29/24 5:19 AM