To use HonorLock for your Tallahassee State College course in Canvas, install the Honorlock extension on your Chrome browser. You may download the extension from
- Please make sure no other Chrome extensions are installed or active.
- HonorLock is compatible with Chrome browsers on Windows, Chromebook, and Mac computers.
- HonorLock is not compatible with mobile devices such as cell phones, tablets, or iPads.
- Log in to TSC's Canvas site directly to access the HonorLock assignment from Bookmarks or auto-filled links may cause an error message.
If no other extensions are active, and you are still having trouble with HonorLock:
1. Please ensure that Chrome is up to date:
- Select the menu using the “⋮” icon at the top right corner of the window.
- Hover over “Help” and click “About Google Chrome”.
- Check for the following message: “Chrome is up to date”. If you do not see this message, select “Relaunch” and allow Chrome to install and finish updates.
2. Please clear Chrome's cache and cookies:
- On the Chrome browser, please select the menu using the “⋮” icon at the top right corner of the window.
- Then select the option “Delete browsing data”.
- Select the time range "All Time" and select the checkbox for Cookies and other site data.
- Close all windows of Chrome, quit Chrome completely, and restart the browser.
- After you've cleared Chrome's cache and cookies, log in to TSC's Canvas site at
More information about deleting/clearing cache and cookies can be found here: Article - How to delete/clear Cache a...
If you are using a Mac computer, and you are receiving a "Permission Denied" error:
- Confirm that your Mac device is fully up to date for OS software and all software updates.
- Please enter your device's Settings menu and allow Microphone access and allow Webcam access to Chrome:
- Click the Apple icon, click "System Preferences", and then click "Security & Privacy".
- Check under both "Camera" and "Microphone", make sure that Google Chrome is listed and enabled.
- Also check "Screen & System Audio Recording", you may have to add Google Chrome manually with the '+' button.
- Allow Google Chrome to access your microphone and webcam from your browser settings:
- Open a new Chrome browser tab and enter "chrome://settings/content/camera".
- Change the setting to “Allow”.
- After you change the settings, close all windows of Chrome.
- From the toolbar, click "Chrome" and select "Quit".
- Launch a new Chrome window and log in to TSC's Canvas site at
If you have tried the above troubleshooting steps and are still having trouble with HonorLock, please contact HonorLock support at
The TSC Testing Center has HonorLock-enabled computers. Please visit for more information, including hours and contact information.