What is an Administrative Withdrawal (AW)?


Faculty members do not automatically withdraw students who stop attending classes. Students who stop attending without withdrawing may receive a grade of F unless the instructor has issued an Administrative Withdrawal (AW). Faculty may choose whether to use the AW.

The use of the AW to administratively withdraw a student is primarily based upon excessive student absences (see Attendance). Faculty members publish their AW criteria in the course syllabus.

Faculty members whose practice is to withdraw students by using the AW grade must do so by the College’s established withdrawal deadline.

The AW may also be employed to remove student(s) from the class roster as a disciplinary measure imposed as a result of student judicial hearings by the action of the vice president for student affairs. Students may appeal the AW as with other withdrawal appeals as noted below.



Article ID: 157146
Wed 2/14/24 3:10 PM
Sat 6/29/24 5:20 AM