Canvas Course Master Shell (for instructors)

What is a Master Shell?

A Master Shell is the designated space in the College's LMS for instructors to build-out their course materials. Like a master copy of your favorite mix tape, instructors will use their course's Master Shell to deploy the content to the individual section shells in which students will be enrolled. Instructors will receive one Master Shell per course and course format, that they are assigned to teach. For example, an instructor teaching two sections of online ENC1101, would have one ENC1101 Web Based Master. Whereas, an instructor teaching a face-to-face section would have an ENC1101 Web Assisted Master. Master Shells will remain available even if the course is no longer being actively taught.

How Do I Get A Master Shell?

The creation of Master Shells in Canvas is automatic, based on the instructor assignments in Workday. Once an instructor has been assigned as the instructor of record for a credited or designated course at TSC, the corresponding Master Shell will be made available, with the instructor receiving instructor-level access, to the Master Shell. If you do not see a Master Shell for a newly assigned course, please check the information in Workday to ensure that you have been assigned as the instructor of record. Please speak with your Division Office staff for more information about course assignments.


Need More Help?

LMS Support Staff is always available to offer assistance or answer any additional questions you may have. You can contact LMS Support Staff via email at, by submitting a Help Ticket, or by phone at (850) 201-8545. **NEW! 30-minute One-on-One support appointments are now available through Bookings.


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Article ID: 30986
Tue 5/30/17 10:02 AM
Sat 6/29/24 6:11 AM