KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
Our new KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training is 30-60 minutes long and has a 10-question assessment at the end.
If you encounter any problems, please contact the Information Technology Help Desk at (850) 201-8545.
Important note: Be sure to close your browser if you need to step away from the course. When you come back to it, you'll be given the option to resume where you left off. If you forget and leave your browser open, the course won't save your place.
1. Click this link to access the training site: Security Awareness Training
2. On the Microsoft page:
a. Enter your TSC email address
b. Click Next

3. Enter your TSC Password and select Sign in.

4. On the My Training page
a. Click Start Course

5. You may see the following page:
a. Your assignment has been launched in a new window

6. Read the content disclosure
a. Click Close

7. On the Security Awareness Training page
a. Click Next

8. Navigation instructions: Click the upper left menu icon to open the menu
a. To view the audio script, click the Script tab
b. To download the course resources, click the Resources tab
c. To view Training related definitions, click the Glossary tab
d. If you want to go to the previous screen or next screen, click the PREV/NEXT button
e. Click circular arrow to replay the the current screen
f. To save your place, close your browser
g. To stop the video, click the Pause button

9. When you have received a passing score
a. Click Complete Training

10. If you would like to print your Certificate of Achievement:
a. Click Print
b.To record your training results; you MUST close your browser window when you are done with the course.