Does TSC provide proctored testing for other institutions?

In an effort to better serve students and instructors, as well as to accommodate our needs, we have made some changes to our policies. Please review the policies below:

1) All exam requests must be made on the Proctor Request Form for Other Institutions.

Note: This form MUST be completed and returned, even if exam instructions were submitted in a previous email.

2) Distance Learning testing for students attending other institutions is available at the following times:

Monday - Thursday    8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 
Friday                       8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Exams are administered by appointment only. TSC must be in receipt of the exam(s), prior to scheduling an appointment and please allow, at minimum, 24-hour notice for scheduling. Walk-in service is not available.

3) The Distance Learning testing fee is $25 per course, per semester. A $25.00 fee is due for each course, regardless of the number of tests required for the course. Note that this fee must be paid, even if you are also enrolled as a TSC student or if you have attended TSC in the past.

4) In order to pay the fee, go to the TSC Testing Center, located in the Fine & Performing Arts Bldg, Rm. 208, to pick up a Test Authorization Form. The form must be picked up in person; it is not online.

  • The payment will be made to the Cashier’s Office (second floor of the Student Union Building), then return to the Testing Center with the form and the receipt.

Note: This fee must be paid PRIOR to testing.  Arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment time for processing.

5) If mailing of a completed exam is required, bring an addressed/postage-paid envelope for the return of the exam.  TSC does not provide mailing materials or postage.

6) A photo ID is required for all testing.

Special Note:  Notify us of any accommodations which may be required. We are not able to administer all types of exams (for instance, we cannot administer oral exams for language courses).

If a student fails to adhere to these policies, we reserve the right to not administer the test to the student. Repeated failure to adhere to these policies may result in revocation of proctoring privileges. In the event that this occurs, no refund will be given.

Keep in mind that it is the student's responsibility to make testing arrangements in advance. We suggest that the student and the student's home institution make proctoring arrangements at the beginning of the semester to ensure timely arrival of exam instructions.

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Article ID: 21834
Thu 12/15/16 9:53 AM
Sat 6/29/24 5:20 AM