If I have a disciplinary action or criminal background do I have to fill out a Disclosure Form?

If you are a new, re-enrolling, or transfer student who answered "yes" to having a criminal and/or disciplinary background on the general TSC application, you will need to fill out the Disclosure Form

Complete the form listing any charges received and time served within the last ten (10) years. Also, if applicable, include your probation information with the name and phone number of your probation officer.  Failure to do so can result in a delay in your admission to the College or dismissal. If you have no criminal background, be sure to explain on the form.

Once completed, it normally takes 24-48 business hours for review AFTER it is received by the Student Conduct office.

Questions should be directed to: studentconduct@tsc.fl.edu or (850) 201-8420.

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