How do I file a Student Complaint?

A student complaint is based upon a claim that a policy or procedure was not followed or was not applied equitably (Board Policy 10-08: Student Complaints, Appeals and Grade Disputes).

Note: Students wishing to dispute a grade should follow the grade dispute process outlined in the catalog. Students wishing to appeal for cancellation of classes, late withdrawal, full-cost-of-instruction waiver, to enroll in a fourth attempt, or to repeat a course in which they earned a grade of C or higher should contact the Office of Student Affairs at 850-201-8490 or

  • If a student believes that a policy or procedure was not followed or applied equitably, every effort is made to resolve the issue through informal investigation and discussion between the parties involved.
  • If a student believes that a policy or procedure was not followed or applied equitably and informal resolution is not achieved, the student may submit a written complaint to the supervisor of the department within ten (10) business days of the alleged violation. Written complaints must be factual and specific and submitted on the Student Complaint Form provided on the TSC Connect site here. This form is also available in the Office of Student Affairs in the Student Union (SU), room 203. Supporting documents may be submitted with the complaint form. 
  • The supervisor will address the complaint and attempt to resolve the issue with the student within ten (10) business days of receiving the complaint. The supervisor will provide a written response to the student detailing the outcome of the complaint. NB: The supervisor should consult directly with Human Resources with regard to any complaint involving issues of harassment, equity, or the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • If the supervisor is unable to resolve the complaint or the student is not satisfied with the resolution, the student may appeal to the appropriate vice president or executive director within ten (10) business days of the date of the written response from the department supervisor. The vice president or executive director will render a decision within ten (10) business days of the appeal. The decision of the vice president or executive director is final.
  • All written student complaints shall be retained. The vice president for student affairs will review complaints, on a regular basis, for trends or patterns.
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