How do I use Financial Aid at the bookstore?

The bookstore credit/textbook voucher allows students to use financial aid to purchase books and materials either in person or online through TSC's Bookstore.

Your bookstore credit is a portion of your awarded Financial Aid (Pell grant) which is deducted by the amount you spend for books.

We are extending a credit to get your books before you receive a refund so that you don't have to pay out of pocket for them. It is not a separate credit.

If you do not utilize all of your credit limit, you will receive the remaining balance later in your refund disbursement. Disbursements will occur after class attendance has been verified.

Part-time students are allowed a maximum of $480 in bookstore credit; Full-time students are allowed a maximum of $960 in bookstore credit.

Bookstore credit is not given to students enrolled in less than 6 credit hours.

Bookstore credit is only usable in the two week period consisting of the week prior to the beginning of classes and the first week of classes for Fall and Spring semesters. Summer semester bookstore credit is only usable the two week period consisting of the first week of class and the following week.

Note:  A bookstore credit is not an award, but allows students to purchase materials at the TSC Bookstore and have the cost charged against their current financial aid awards.

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