Which exams are accepted for credit?

The College accepts credit by examination for the following programs, based on the determinations made by the Florida Department of Education’s Articulation Coordinating Committee:

  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Exams
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
  • Excelsior College Examinations
  • UExcel Excelsior College Examination Program

Students may not receive credit by examination for any course in which they have already earned college-level credit. To determine the minimums for each type of score we accept please review the following link: https://www.tsc.fl.edu/media/divisions/admissions-and-recruiting/forms/TSC-Credit-by-Exam-02272019.pdf


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