Why must I complete Entrance Counseling before receiving any student loans?

Entrance counseling ensures you understand the terms and conditions of having a loan and your rights and responsibilities. You'll learn what a loan is, how interest works, your options for repayment, and how to avoid delinquency and default.

When you're finished, a record of your completion will be sent to the schools you selected, and you can then receive your loan money. Keep in mind that you cannot save and leave an incomplete session; you must complete entrance counseling in one sitting.

First-time borrowers must complete Entrance Counseling prior to TSC crediting the first Stafford Loan to the student’s account, even if the student completed Entrance Counseling at another institution. The link to complete Entrance Counseling will appear as an Action Item in your Workday My Tasks or you may complete the requirement online at StudentAid.gov


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