What financial aid can I receive as a ward of the state/foster child?

The Emerging Eagles (formerly Fostering Achievement Fellowship program) was established to address the overwhelming need for a comprehensive support structure to assist foster youth in making the transition from a structured foster care program to independent young adulthood. The Emerging Eagles program will provide financial, academic, and social support to assist college-bound youth aging out of foster care to pursue a college education. 

TSC there will be multiple opportunities to complete financial literacy workshops and trainings. Many students are eligible for the DCF tuition waiver or the Post-Secondary Educational Support Services (PESS) stipend, although primary responsibility for ensuring these benefits falls to the Department of Children & Families and Big Bend Community Based Care, it is the duty of Emerging Eagles to assist in ensuring that proper services are in place.

For more information on Emerging Eagles the support TSC provides, click here.  

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Wed 12/7/16 2:51 PM
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