How and where do I submit an Enrollment Appeal form when I have a medical situation or other extenuating circumstances that occur during a term?

Students can submit several different enrollment appeals depending on their circumstance. You may find the listed appeals at Enrollment Appeal Forms webpage.

Appeal forms can be found in students' Workday accounts listed in the application "TSC College Forms" under the Student Affairs heading.  

The following are types of enrollment appeals:

  • Full Cost of Instruction Waiver
    • If a student enrolls into a course for the third time and has documented proof of extenuating circumstances or “financial hardship,” the student may file the following appeal to waive the full cost of instruction. ​​​​​​
  • Petition to Change Academic Transcript for Late Withdrawals/Cancellation of Term (Sometimes referred to as a "Medical Withdrawal")
    • For Cancellation/Removal of Term: A student, who has documented proof of extenuating circumstances that resulted in the inability to return to classes during the current semester, may file an appeal for review by the Enrollment Appeals Committee. The petition packet must be submitted to Student Affairs by the end of the semester in question.
    • For Withdrawal of Term: A student, who has documented proof of extenuating circumstances from a previous semester that prevented the student from completing the semester, may file the appeal for review by the Enrollment Appeals Committee. The petition packet must be submitted to Student Affairs within one year after the end of the term the courses were taken.

  • Request to Retake Passed Course(s)
    • Per Florida Administrative Code 6A-14.0301, repeat enrollment in courses in which a grade of C or above has been earned is prohibited. Exceptions can be made based on College procedure. TSC, through the Enrollment Appeals Committee, will consider appeals based on the approved policy noted on the form.

The appeal form is completed online via DocuSign and is found on Workday listed in the TSC College forms application.  Questions may be directed to an email to

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