What are the requirements to transfer to a Florida public university?

Students planning to attend a Florida public university will typically earn their Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree before transferring. The state of Florida articulation agreement guarantees admission to an institution in the state university system for all students who complete an A.A. degree at a Florida public community college.

  • Satisfying the university admission foreign language requirement by passing two years of the same language in high school or successfully completing two semesters of the same language in college or earning appropriate foreign language CLEP credit.
  • Students must earn a minimum 2.0 GPA for university transfer, but many majors require a higher GPA for admission into the specific academic program.
  • Most majors at the university also require students to complete certain course prerequisites, and some have additional applications that must be submitted by the appropriate deadline. This application is submitted in addition to the general university admission application. 

**Please remember that the Florida articulation agreement does not guarantee admission to the University or the student's choice of major.

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