How many times can I repeat a course taken?

Whenever students repeat a course in which they have received a grade of D or F, only the last grade and grade points earned in the repetitions will be used in calculating the TSC GPA and credits earned. However, forgiveness may not transfer to other institutions; therefore, repeated courses may impact the computation of the GPA when students transfer to other institutions, either public or private. Students should also consider the impact of retaking a course on their specific financial aid package.

Students are not permitted to repeat courses in which they have received grades of C or better, or to earn forgiveness after they receive the Associate in Arts degree. Courses may be repeated if they are designated as repeatable, such as music or journalism, or are individualized courses of study; if they are required to be repeated by a regulatory agency; or if they are being repeated as part of a regulatory requirement for continuing education to stay current in the field, such as teacher certification.

In accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0301, students may have only three attempts per course, including the original grade, repeat grades and withdrawals at any point in the semester. A fourth attempt may be allowed only through an academic appeals process based on major extenuating circumstances.

Students may walk into the Advising Center located on the second floor of the Student Union to meet with an academic advisor to discuss circumstances and to start the appeals process. Fourth attempt appeals are reviewed by the Enrollment Appeals Committee.

For information on enrollment appeals, click here.  

In accordance with s. 1004.93, s. 1004.94, s. 1009.28 and s. 1009.285, F.S., students enrolled in the same developmental or college level course more than two times shall pay the full cost (100 percent) of instruction, except in approved cases of extenuating circumstances.

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