Enabling Authenticated Users for Zoom Meetings

Another way to make your Zoom meetings more secure is to enable a feature that will limit who can join your meetings to only authenticated users. Enabling this feature ensures that anyone trying to join your meeting must have logged into their Zoom account with their TSC credentials. Along with meeting passwords and Waiting Rooms (enabled by default for new meetings), this will help to reduce the chance that outsiders will join your meeting or that you will fall victim to "zoom bombing."

NOTE: Restricting meeting access to authenticated users is NOT enabled by default. Please follow the steps below to enable this feature:

1. Navigate to tscfl.zoom.us

2. Sign in with your TSC credentials

3. On the left side of the screen, click Settings. Then, click the Meeting tab inside of the Settings menu.

4. You will scroll down the page until you see Only authenticated meeting participants and webinar attendees can join meetings and webinars. Toggle the switch on

NOTE: This will be blue when on and grey when off

You are now ready to create meetings (or edit existing meetings) that limit access to the TSC community.

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Article ID: 106038
Thu 4/23/20 4:51 PM
Thu 8/22/24 4:38 PM